Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Lack of coordination skills

Do you ever have those days were you wish you had never gotten out of bed that morning? That was yesterday for me. It began with my dash down this huge escalator to catch the train to school. I was fine, but juggling two bags (one for my laptop and the other for my books) when all of the sudden one of my feet do not hit the escalator step right. I kind of shot forward and to the side before grabbing the rail and steadying myself. I almost fell head first down the last part of the escalator. Then later that night when I was running on the treamill, I almost fell of the treadmill. My feet were not cooperating. I have had this happen before. So I finally gave up because I was not about to fell of a treadmill after the escalator. However, today my equilibrium seems to be in check.

1 comment:

shayne said...

hahaha...welcome to my life....haha