Tuesday, March 17, 2009

My new job!

In two weeks, I begin my new part time job at the John F. Kennedy Library here in Boston. I still cannot believed how I ended up with my job. In late February, I saw a posting for a part time PAID internship for the Archives processing unit at the JFK Library. With the recent recession, not many archives/libraries are hiring part time workers, but asking for donated time. I jumped at the chance knowing I would be competing with various classmates for the position. After sending in my cover letter and resume, I got invited in for an interview. The night before, I studied their website to learn about their collections and programs. The archive site had a link to their Oral History Project. The family historian in me was immeadiately intrigued and I found they have over 1,000 interviews.

During my interview the next day, at the end, i innocently asked abou the project, thinking nothing of it. A few days later I was notified that I had not been hired for this position, but that they recomended to the head of the Oral History Project for a part time internship that was opening up. I could not believe it. My resume landed on this desk because I just asked one question at the end of my previous interview about this project and now I had another oppurtunity to work for the JFK in the Oral History department. Last Friday, I went in for this interview. IT went well and they told me I would hear back from them within the week. Also, they said this job had not been posted yet. I thought, oh well, here I go again. Two hours later, while checking my email, I received an email telling me they wanted to hire me. I was estastic. Now, I will be working there for two days a week until I graduate or until they run out of funding for my position. I am so excited. One little thing changed everything. I guess you never know what will happen.


JAG said...

Woo! Congratulations!!

Andrea said...

Congratulations! That sounds like such an awesome job. Good luck!

Janae and Topher said...

Thanks you guys!

Laurel said...

Wow, that sounds like a really cool job! And what serendipitous circumstances. Congratulations! :)