Tuesday, January 20, 2009

What a wonderful week so far...

This week started off great. On Monday afternoon, my second nephew, Westley Kai Lakey was born to my brother, Nathan and his wife Laurel. They are fantastic parents, who could not wait to meet their newest family member and introduce him to his big brother, Eli. West is too cute for words. Here are a few pictures:

Eli and West with the help of Nana (Laurel's Mom, Becky, hers is the hand you see)
West and I.

The day after West's birth, we welcomed a new President, Barack Obama. I am so excited for this new beginning. It feels like our nation can find a renewed sense of hope we have lost this past eight years. Yeah Obama. Do our country some good.

1 comment:

JAG said...

I'm so glad you posted pictures!! He's so adorable! My hubby and I are coming out on Friday!! I can't wait!