Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Cops and Christmas Lights

As mentioned in my previous post, I live on Christmas light lane, which gets so crazy that it is monitored by the police. Tonight, my aunt Julee, sister Renee, and her friend Brent decided to take pictures of the chaos. Originally, this picture was suppose to be me in front of the barricade, but this cop jumped right in and took pictures with all of us. Earlier, we had feed them cookies.
Me and the cop....
My aunt Julee and the cop...
Renee and the cop...

My cousin lucked out and got a picture with two of them.
We had a blast with them. They do not have the most exciting job as they direct traffice and make sure pedestrians do not do anything stupid. Thanks for all you do!!! As I am tired and trying to go to bed, I will post more pictures of how crazy our street is tomorrow.

1 comment:

the House of Payne said...

I hope those lights are still up in two days when I come to visit. :)